
small javascript app for quick compare two images (mainly coins images)

View the Project on GitHub aknew/imageCompare


Small javascript app for quick compare two images (mainly coins images)

Main idea - if we have two images and want compare it, we need align it first via translating, scaling and rotation. In javascript we have setTransform method of canvas’ context that can do this transformation, but we need parameters for it. The simplest way to get it is note 3 equal points in each image. When we now it, we can write lineart equation system based on transfom formula.

Project has two branches:

clearVersion - is fully functionally project

master - is uses on, it contains some metrics also which isn’t a part of current project actually. Maybe I will add some adverts to this branch in the future.

Workable online version

Disscusion on collectors’ forum (in Russian)

Also I have written an iOS version

Used sources:

ualgebra.js is used for solving equation system

Tabs with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery

Save to GIF

Working with selection